Reorganizational Caucus 2024
(Most will need both forms)
FCDC Membership Application
By applying for Membership, I agree to support the Fauquier County Democratic Committee and its efforts to elect Democrats at the local, state, and national levels. These activities include, but are not limited to, the following:
1. Regular attendance at monthly Fauquier County Democratic Committee meetings
2. Assisting in fund raising for the Fauquier County Democratic Committee and Democratic candidates.
3. Participation in grassroots precinct activities, such as telephoning, distributing literature, door-to-door canvasing, working at polls on election days, and volunteering at the local headquarters
4. Adherence to the By-laws of the Fauquier County Democratic CommitteeThe Fauquier County Democratic Committee recognizes that people are competent at and enjoy different types of activities. Members are encouraged to assist with those activities at which they excel and find fulfilling, with the understanding that all members contribute their fair share toward electing Democratic candidates.
By completing and submitting the following form I declare myself a candidate for Membership in the Fauquier County Democratic Committee. I certify that I am a resident of and registered to vote in the County of Fauquier, Virginia; I am a Democrat; I believe in the principles of the Democratic Party; and I do not intend to support, endorse or assist any candidate who is opposed to the Democratic nominees for elected office.
We request voluntary annual dues of $25 per year to offset operational costs. Larger donations are of course appreciated. You can send a check to:
Fauquier County Democratic Committee,
PO Box 213, Warrenton, VA 20188
or online at
Tuesday, January 16, 2024, at 6:30 pm
(You must be in line by 7:30 pm to be admitted.)
John Barton Payne Building
2 Courthouse Square Warrenton, VA 20186
*and by Zoom at this link
Meeting ID: 633 652 3941
Passcode: 218227
Zoom Meeting Start time is 6:30 pm.
You must be online by 7:30 pm to be admitted.
PLEASE NOTE: Doors open at 6:30 pm and close at 7:30 pm. You must be in line (or online) by 7:30 pm. Nobody will be admitted after the doors are closed.
To participate in this Caucus, you must attend in person or via Zoom at the above Zoom link.
It will be ideal to complete and return the Caucus Participation Form to the FCDC Secretary by
16 January at 12:00 noon. (The form can also be filled out at the Caucus, during check-in at the door, but to reduce the administrative burden on FCDC volunteers and simplify check-in on the night of the Caucus, please send your form so that it arrives before 15 January at 12:00 noon.
How do I return this form?:
1. Online: Fill out and submit the online form below.
2. By email: Click here down load the form. Type your information into the form, save it as a new name (ideally with your own name, such as: “John Doe Caucus Participation Form”), and email it to
3. By USPS mail: Fill out the form and mail it to FCDC, PO Box 213, Warrenton, VA 20186.
4. Bring with you to the Caucus.
If you are uncertain of your precinct, you may look it up at:
Per Section 18.3 of the Virginia Democratic Party Plan, by submitting this form, you certify that you are a Democrat, that you are a registered voter in the precinct and district of Fauquier County listed below, that you believe in the principles of the Democratic Party, and that you do not intend to support any candidate who is opposed to a Democratic nominee in the next election.
Rules for the
Fauquier County Democratic Committee (FCDC)
Reorganization CaucusJanuary 16, 2024 ~ 6:30 p.m. doors open; doors close at 7:30 pm. You must be in line (or online via Zoom) by 7:30 pm to be admitted.
1. The doors of the caucus room will open and the certification process will begin at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, January 16, 2024. The Temporary Chair of the Caucus will identify an official clock. This clock will be used for all timekeeping.
2. The doors to the caucus meeting room will open at 6:30 pm and be closed promptly at 7:30 p.m.. A five-minute warning will be issued by the Temporary Chair at 7:25 p.m.. Persons standing in line to complete a Caucus Participation Form at the time the doors close will be allowed to complete their forms and participate in the caucus.
3. The Temporary Credentials Committee will be responsible for checking in caucus participants. Every person who participates in the caucus must complete a Caucus Participation Form and sign a statement that says that he or she is a Democrat, is a registered voter of a Precinct/District in Fauquier County, believes in the principles of the Democratic Party, and that he or she does not intend to support a candidate opposed to the Democratic nominee in the next ensuing election.
4. The caucus will be called to order by the temporary chair. The committee chair or his designee shall act as the temporary chair.
5. The first order of business shall be the election of a permanent chair.
6. The permanent chair shall appoint the permanent caucus secretary.
7. The chair shall call upon the Temporary Credentials Committee for a report of the number of credentialed participants in the caucus.
8. The chair shall thereupon offer a report on Temporary Rules. Upon a motion for adoption, the Temporary Rules may be amended from the floor, put to a vote, and adopted.
9. A tellers committee, representative of the assembly, shall be appointed by the chair to collect and count the ballots.
10. In accordance with Section 8.4 of the Party Plan: “Any candidate for election to the county or city committee who has duly filed and who is unopposed shall be declared elected.” If there is opposition to any candidate, a voice vote of the caucus will be held on each candidate.
11. If the voice vote is inconclusive, paper ballots shall be issued. The official ballot will be marked with the words “Official Reorganization Ballot January 16, 2024” at the top. Ballots will be distributed only to those persons who have submitted a signed copy of the Caucus Participation Form.
12. Caucus participants may vote for or against any candidate who has received opposition by writing in the candidate’s name and placing an “X” beside the name in either the “accept” or “decline” column.
13. All those receiving more "accept" votes than "decline" votes will be received into FCDC membership.
14. Upon collection of the ballots, the caucus meeting shall stand in recess until the tellers committee has reported its count to the chair. The tellers committee shall report directly to the chair. The number of ballots may not exceed the number of credentialed participants as reported by the Credentials Committee.
15. The chair will then announce the results and read out the names of those accepted as members by the vote of the caucus.
16. Should the membership of any magisterial district exceed the limit of fifty (50) a lottery will be held within that magisterial district to determine which members must move to the at-large category. No other business may come before the caucus. Upon the announcement of the results and the collection of all documentation, the caucus will adjourn and the regular membership meeting of the FCDC will commence. The membership meeting will include elections for officers to the Executive Board of the FCDC.
17. 17) Any person, who in the opinion of the chair is being disruptive, may be ejected from the convention after having received a prior warning by the chair.
18) The Convention shall be conducted in accordance with the Virginia Democratic Party Plan (“State Party Plan”) and Roberts’ Rules of Order.
Respectfully submitted, THE TEMPORARY RULES COMMITTEE.
Copyright 2022 by the Fauquier County Democratic Committee